Japan tourist visa check list

1. Passport: All original passports need to be submi4ed and a photocopy of the recent passport’s bio page needs to be submi4ed with the Applica; on.

2. Visa Applica6on Form:

A Visa Applica; on form must be filled in online with all the proper Informa; on. (Victoria Tour will fill up the form on behalf)

3. Photograph:

Recently taken two passport-size photos (2 Inch X 1.4 Inch) that need to submit. Photo should be taken recently with applicant frontal-view and untouched with white background. Wearing glass is not allowed when taking photos but prescription eyewear is allowed.

4. Cover Letter: A personal letter from the applicant covering personal details, the purpose of the visit, designa7on, and who will bear all the costs. Travel, the accommoda7on also need to include. Remain 7me in Japan also needs to include. The letter should be addressed to The Visa Officer, the Embassy of Japan, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Victoria Tour will assist to prepare the letter)

5. Forwarding Letter: A letter from the employer’s office such as a NOC/LOI letter on the organization’s letter head pad stating the applicant’s name, designation, passport number, applicant purpose, and assigned roles during the visit, dura7on of the visit, contact details, and other necessary details.

6. Plan of The Tour: Applicants need to submit all of his/her tour plans. How many days he/she will stay, which place he/she will go to and all other’s things. (Chologhuri will assist to prepare)

7. Office ID Card: Copies of the office id card/visiting card need to submit (3 copies).

8. Company Memorandum, Trade license: The applicant needs a clear scanned copy of the Company Memorandum if the applicant is the owner/managing director of the company or employed as one of the directors in the company. A trade license needs to be submitted for the business person.

9. Personal Bank Statements: The applicant must submit his/her personal bank statement for the last six months. He / She also needs to men7on the Bank’s name and telephone number with an authorized bank stamp and signature.

10. Personal ITR Cer6ficate: Applicant must submit his/her last 3 years income tax return cer7ficate.

11. Company ITR Cer6ficate:

Applicant must submit the last 3 years Income Tax Return certificate of the company he/she works for.

The license must be legalized by legal authorizes (If the company sponsors the trip).

12. Company Bank Statements:

Bank statements copy of the sponsoring company or party for the last 6 months mentions the Bank’s name and telephone number clearly with an authorized bank stamp and signature (If the company sponsors the trip).

13. Airline Ticket I6nerary: A reserved i7nerary for the applicant’s airline 7cket as per the schedule of the trip and return from the trip. (Victoria Tour will assist in preparing)

14. Hotel Reserva6on: A reserved i7nerary for the applicant’s accommoda7on. He / She needs to men7on the hotel or resort as per the schedule of the trip. (Victoria Tour will assist to prepare)


– Prior appointment is required for Japan visa submission

– Original copies need to be brought to the embassy at the; me of submission

– Do not staple any document (a4ach with clips)

– Victoria Tour does not guarantee the visa, Victoria Tour only assists the applicant to prepare the application in a way that he/she can get the visa.
– An invitation le4er is not mandatory for a Japan visa, if you have any it will enhance the chance of getting the visa approved
– Victoria Tour processing; me is 3 working days

– The embassy will take 10-12 working days to process the visa (a_er the submission)

– Victoria Tour does not encourage purchasing air Tickets before getting a visa

– English translator and notarizing are mandatory for the documents if they are in Bangla.

Embassy fee: The Japanese embassy does not charge any fee for the visa process for Bangladeshi passport holders

Victoria Tour fee: It often changed and depending on the current situation.

Notary/Translator fee: As per document


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